The Valerio Adami archive collects documentation of the Master's works and certifies their authenticity in view of the drafting of the catalog raisonné.
In order to be able to insert the following procedures into the Adami archive in your possession and verify its authenticity by the archive commission:
1) Download PDF “Request for authentic opinion and archiving” from this LINK
2) Fill out the PDF, attach it and send an email to
3) In the email write:
• Name
• Surname
• Attachphotos of Valerio Adami's works
• Attach the PDF “Request for authentic opinion and archiving”
4) Name the photos with the following wording:
• Name
• Surname
• Name of the work
• Year of the work
• Frameless size
Example: Year_Size_Title
5) Send all the documents on paper to Archivio Valerio Adami, Via Tiziano 9/A 20145, Milano.